Make Donation

Help us by making donation

When you donate, you not only give money, but also share your love, and give hope to those people in need.


Become a Volunteer

We depend on volunteers from our local community, joining us you can both gain experience and help others.


Collect Fund All Over the World

We gather voluntary contributions to help slum kids, underprivileged people, orphanages, counselling centers, old age home, and other non profit organizations in world

Standing Together, Better World

Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards imitating Christ

Let us come together to help build the community around us. Grow in blessing as you become blessing to others.

What We Do?

We tend to make our world a safer place for people

Livelihood Projects

Livelihood projects are initiatives that aim to provide sustainable sources of income and employment to individuals and communities in need. These projects can be effective ways to support charities and nonprofit organizations that work to alleviate poverty and improve the well-being of vulnerable populations.

Food, Shelter and Clothing

Provide warm clothing and blankets to those who need them, especially during colder months. You can also support local organizations that provide shelter to homeless individuals.

Donate or distribute food and water to people living on the streets. You can connect with local organizations that provide food or donate food to shelters or soup kitchens.

  • Adult Education Program
  • Early Childhood Program
  • Education Policy Reform
  • Special Educations
Women Empowerment

Women the power, resources, and opportunities to become more self-confident, independent, and able to control their own lives. We strive to ensuring that women have  Parenting Skills, healthcare, and employment opportunities, and are able to participate fully in decision-making processes that affect their lives and communities.

Saving The World

United States, Memphis

Saving The Children

The Global Challenges

10+Years of activity history
5652New Charities Rated
100KAnnual Visitors
35MSuccessfully Donated

Our Causes

We need your help anytime anywhere


Food drives

Is so severe that many impacted neighborhoods remain inaccessible

GOAL: $320,000,000


Children Welfare

Is so severe that many impacted neighborhoods remain inaccessible

GOAL: $270,000,000


 Women Safety & Health

Is so severe that many impacted neighborhoods remain inaccessible

GOAL: $140,000,000

Upcoming Events

How to create sustainable livelihood for slum dwellers

We gather voluntary contributions to help the underprivileged, old age homes, orphanages, homeless, women empowerment, slum dwelling kids education

Join Our Mailing Group & Get Updates

Our Team

We are more than a nonprofit organization

Nicole Mia


Cindy Klasson

Our Director for USA Operations
Cindy klasson has been a Leader in the Residential Home Improvement Space for over twenty years. Specializing in building and leading teams to increase growth, culture and efficiency to maximize profitability to various companies. Cindy has a passion to use her marketplace skill to serve the Kingdom and help provide strategies and maximize resources in a practical, efficient way to further the body of Christ.

Danny Marovic


Amanda Lauren


Cindy Klasson

Our Director for USA Operations
Cindy klasson has been a Leader in the Residential Home Improvement Space for over twenty years. Specializing in building and leading teams to increase growth, culture and efficiency to maximize profitability to various companies. Cindy has a passion to use her marketplace skill to serve the Kingdom and help provide strategies and maximize resources in a practical, efficient way to further the body of Christ.

Make a Donation Now!

To give the gift of good living to every beautiful person in the world

We invest in people’s life to fight against poverty, depression, unemployment, illiteracy in different parts of the world. Starting off with sustainable livelihood projects in India.

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Volunteer Charity Event Sponsors